Religious Education and Christian Adult Education (B.Ed.)

The program in Religious Education and Christian Adult Education enables students to correlate theological thinking and knowledge of educational science, psychology, sociology and cultural studies and apply this in religious and congregational educational practice.


Objectives and career prospects

  • Graduates of the program in Religious Education and Christian Adult Education (B.Ed.) work in the following fields within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria:
  • Religious education in primary and secondary schools, special schools, and general & special vocational schools;
  • Christian education in the church—focusing on children, adolescent, and adult education at the local and regional levels.


Curriculum includes

  • Theology: Biblical theology, systematic theology (dogmatic theology, ethics), religious studies and theology of religions, church history
  • Humanities and social sciences: pedagogy, psychology, sociology, law
  • Professional activity: Religious education and Christian education (internships in both fields)

For questions please contact the Head of the Programm

Studiengangsleiter Religionspädagogik und Kirchliche Bildungsarbeit
0911 27253-865
V3.38 - 3.OG